How To: Easy False Nails Installation

Not all nail shapes are created equal and when it comes to applying forms, each nail shape requires a different approach. In this item, a nail form will be used. Keep in mind to apply the primer before adding the nail form.
In the next step, the material is reapplied to the nail’s surface. The hand file is then used to bring it into the desired shape.
A full instruction of applying false nails is presented below. To sign up for instruction classes in Soorati beauty salon, please dial the phone numbers provided.


Greetings to you followers of Rojelab website, I'm a nail technician from Soorati beauty salon. Today I'm gonna show you how to apply false nails. in this item I'll use a nail form to lengthen the natural nail. in the first step, primer and anti-fungus material are applied to the nail's plate. after that, install the nail form. afterwards, try to fit the nail to your desired length. the material is applied to the surface twice.

Let the material harden on the nail, then use the file to make it into the desired shape. as I said, we'll start shaping the nail using a hand file after the material has fully hardened on the surface. next,use the electric file to shape the surface of the nail. we're almost done with this false nail application, now I'll use a top coat for the nail's surface. well dear pals, we're now finished with this nail item. To sign up for instruction classes, please dial the phone numbers provided.

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