How To: Linear Hair Extension

In this video, we will explain how to attach and use sewed on hair extension. This video was provided by Marjan Beauty Salon. To join our classes, or to order our services, please contact us at 09123690364.


Greeting to all of you watching I am Marjan Balalian from Mehr-E-Jaan beauty salon. Today I want to talk to you about linear hair extensions. I hope you will enjoy this video.

After separating the hair from the point where we want to add the extensions, we can start the process. In a linear hairextension process, we can do our work in two ways. Either you can use African knots to attach the hair to the scalp, or you can use nuts. There are a few issues associated with the more traditional African knot method. One is that it might get loose since it is sometimes hard to implement. Second, it pulls your hair a lot and can damage it. In newer methods, nuts are usually used.

For this method, you use nuts to attach the hair to the extension. Separate layers of hair one in between. Meaning that you should pick one thin layer, leave the next one and pick another after that. Pull the hair through the nut and create the attachment you need. Repeat the same process by picking one thin layer of hair, leaving the next layer, and again picking another thin layer after that. Do not attach the nut too close to the root to prevent damage to the hair.

One of the advantages of linear hairextension compared to other hair extensions is that it does not create bumps on the hair and it is unified. It is a great choice for people who want to have a unique and high volume hair or want to add to the length of their hair. When you are done attaching the nuts to the hair, you can use a sewing needle and the hairextension layer to attach it to the hair. Sew the extension to the hair with zigzag moves. Like this.

After each complete sew, you can make a small knot. For a cleaner result, you can use hair clips to keep the hair layers separated to prevent involving the rest of the hair in the process. Continue this process until the end of the hair layer. Use a sewing string with the same color, or closes color to the actual haircolor as possible to hide the sewing line. As you can see, I finished sewing the whole hair layer. Keep in mind that you should use special hair strings for this process because to create enough endurance for the hair extensions.

For those of you who prefer to keep your hair extensions for a shorter period of time compared to Keratin extensions. I also want to tell you how to remove the hair. Some people ask us about how we can remove this type of extensions. It is indeed very easy. All you need to do is to open the knot on one side and the sewed on extensions will unravel until the end of the layer by itself. In the end, we can pull back a layer of hair to cover the extension. As you can see there are no bumps, and it looks completely natural. It is very suitable for people who want to add volume or length to their hair.

I hope you have enjoyed this video. To join our classes, or to book our services, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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