How To: Nail Watercolour Design

Watercolour design is an innovative way to enhance the look of nails. Below, you can watch a video in which the procedure of this design style is shown by the following steps:
Choosing the suitable brush for the nail design
A white colour is applied as the background
leaf and flower effects on the nail’s surface in blue and violet colours respectively.
Apply a top coat.
Embossed designs on the nails
Using the LED device to dry the nail


Hello and welcome, Today you will see how to make a watercolour design for nails. first apply a white background to the nail's surface. Then pick a suitable brush to put a blue watercolour leaf design with single tap motions. the nail is then inserted in the LED device to get dried. the second leaf is now drown on the nail, then it goes in the LED device again. apply a top coat. repeat all the previous steps on a new nail to put a flower design. hope you've enjoyed this tutorial.

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