How To: Wine & Red Dye Bleaching Tips

Dyeing the hair in wine colour is slightly different from other. In wine colour cases, the client’s hair is examined for strength level. It is in a way that first a bunch of the hair is wrapped in a foil and treated with bleaching material. Then we can find out whether the hair is strong enough.
In most cases, the wine colour turns henna. Then moves to orange and changes to yellow if it has sufficient strength. There are also some rare cases in which the hair comes to a white base meaning that the hair will be damaged if bleached. Wine colour bleaching has to be done with Olaplex material.
If you have used organic dyes for hair, removers are not recommended at all. For black colour hair, first examine it with Olaplex material then apply the remover for bleaching.


Hello everyone, I'm Zahra Karimi, a hair-dye expert. Today we're about to talk about bleaching dyed black and wine hair. in the matter of blak or wine colours or the organic colours. one problem many of my trainees may face is that. the client comes in and says I've dye my hair black but now I wanna have it lightened or bleached. or have it highlighted. note that the wine colour is a bit different from black and organic colours to deal with. For the clients having red shade or wine hair colour, we need to first examine the cleint's hair. This would be in a way that we wrap a bunch of the hair in a foil piece with decolorization material. wait until the hair is bleached, then open the foil to see how much colour is released. and if any colour is released, see how resistant the hair is. in natural hair if we treat it with decolorization material. the hair would change colour to orange, yellow, creamy and then begins becoming brighter.

But for the red shade wine or black dyed hair, its colour usually first moves to redness or henna colour. Then moves to orange, then if the hair is healthy and strong enough, it moves to yellow. in some rare cases, I've seen the hair moves to a white-based colour. If it does so, it's likely to be damaged. so as I said, we examine the hair. see what colour base it moves to. If it moves to an orange, yellow or 5 or 6 base colour. We should test the hair like I'll do it here. when you have removed the foil, you will stretch a thin bunch of the hair. keep stretching if it stands tight and cohesive. but if you see it's expanding in length or breaks apart, It means it's not a healthy hair. so we'll stop the whole process. after the examination, start advising the client. that It's better to dye her hair in a warm colour in the 5 or 6 base according to her hair colour release. that's all for the wine colour. note that make the bleaching of wine dyed hair with Olaplex material.

Or with some certain remover shampoos. but in my opinion, if you intend to make hair decoupage you must use Olaplex material. now let's go to black dyed or organic dyed hair. in these colours, It's essential to ask the client to know how long the dye has been on her hair. and how many times she has renewed the dye. most clients mistakenly believe that if they dyed the hair black for example one year ago, it must have faded by now. but it's not true, the black dye won't exit the pigments on the hair. I mean for example if you dye that black hair in a super blonde colour, after washing you will notice it has been dyed only on the hair that has grown during this year. I don't recommend to bleach organic colour dyes. not from the scientific point of view, but from my experience I say bleaching organic dyes may cause serious damages to the hair. about the black dyes, first of all examine it with Olaplex material.

With this examination, you can find out what length of the hair belongs to its natural growth from the scalp and which one belongs to the black dye. If you come to an orange or yellow base in the hair. and after you've made sure it's not damaged and elastic. Then you can bleach the hair in the same colour base with Olaplex material. or with removers all of which I'll explain fully in my classes. so, get the hair to the mentioned colour base then dye it. one more point to say about black hair is that. you won't be able to raise the hair colour base so much. the black dye is usually removed off the hair little by little. so never listen to all those fake ads for removing the black hair thoroughly and raising the colour base to 10 or 11. it's not possible at all, the hair will be severely damaged. Although Olaplex materials are very helpful, but they won't do any miracle. it can help you get the colour base to a certain number. I do hope this video has been informative for you. If you'd like to become a professional beautician, you can attend my instruction courses. to sign up for the classes, please dial the available numbers. see you again soon.

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