How To: Applying Eyeshadow

In this tutorial, you will learn more about applying makeup to the face. This tutorial was provided by Salari Cosmetic Group.


We have already applied the foundation for the makeup. We have applied the foundation for the eyes. Keep in mind that for face makeup, you will start with the eyes but since for.
This tutorial we want to tell you about eyeshadows, we will start here.

We apply the dark eyeshadow based on the natural form of the client’s eyes. Find the third line on the eyes and apply the dark eyeshadow in the area and on the outer corner. Apply a concealer cream two degrees lighter than the skin color under the eyeshadow and then polish it. After polishing the concealer, apply your eyeshadow on top.

There are colorless makeup glues that you should apply a thin layer of that on top of the eyeshadow in this area and then apply a thin coating of acrylic eyeshadow with the same color as the previous eyeshadow on top. Applying the glue will prevent the acrylic grains from falling off, even if you use bigger grains. The next step is to apply the eyeliner and then attaching the false eyelash. If you use individual lashes, the result will look much better. After that, we will apply the mascara.

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