How To: Face Lifting

In this tutorial, we’ll teach you more about the process of facial skin lift. This video was provided by Noghre Negar Beauty Salon.


Greetings. I’m Safai. I’m a skincare expert from Noghre Negar Beauty Salon. In this tutorial, I want to talk to you about anti-wrinkle and facelift procedures.

As you can see, the client has two wrinkles around the smile line. It’s important to point out that collagen reduces after the age of 25, and elastin starts to reduce after 35 years of age and the skin starts to slump down based on the force of gravity. Therefore, it’s imperative that we start using anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, or lifting creams and serums after the age of 35 to lift the face.

As a first step, we clean around the eyes and lips of the client. To clean the eyes, move the hand starting at the lower eyelid and from the outer corner toward the inner corner and for the upper eyelid from the inner corner towards the lower corner of the eye. To clean the lips, put your finger on one side of the lips and drag your other hand across the lip in the opposite direction to clean the lower lip,
Then put your hand on the other side of the lips and pull your other hand across the upper lip in the other direction.

For the next step, we will apply a skin cleansing milk to the skin to clean the epidermis. It’s common for women to experience skin dryness after menopause. A major cause for skin dryness after menopause is the change in hormone levels, and the best way to clean facial skin for these women is to use special skin milk for dry skins. This will moisturize and hydrate the skin. Use your hand to distribute the material on the face and massage it to clean the epidermis molecules completely. Wipe the skin milk off using cotton or clean pads. This is to make sure the epidermis is clean.

Now we can start our work. For each type of facial procedure, you must always perform skin cleansing. After cleaning the skin milk off the face, we have to use a skin toner. Here we’re using a toner designed for dry skin since my model has dry skin and the skin feels tight. It’s important to use the right toner for each skin type since each skin type has a specific toner. Keep in mind that your hand movements must always be upward.

After using skin milk and toner, it’s time to use a skin scrub. We use a skin scrub specific to sensitive or dry skin. This is a light skin scrub with fine grains that can penetrate the epidermis and dermis layers easily. This scrub won’t cause any irritations. Apply the scrub across the face. Let the product remain on the face for three minutes and then massage the skin. At this stage, we use our fingertips to massage the face in the opposite direction of the gravitational.
Force upward to get the skin scrub across the face. Keep in mind that the skin scrub must not touch the area around the eyes.

We must ask the client to make sure if they are feeling severe itching or burning on the face. This way we can make sure about the situation and continue scrubbing the face. The next stage of our work is applying an algae spray to the face, which contains a large number of minerals. After scrubbing, the face is at a suitable state to absorb the minerals. We will wait for the spray to dry so we can apply the lifting serum. I apply the skin lift serum on the face and distribute it. After applying the serum, distribute it on the face. Massage the face with upward rotational movements.

When you massage the face upward with rotational movements, the serum gets absorbed by the skin and activates collagen generation. Tap the cheeks with your fingertips like this. Do the same for the smile line as well and try to end the movements at the line of hair growth. Strokes like these can increase the temperature of the skin and help stimulate collagen discharge. It’s as if your skin wakes up. When you feel like the serum has been absorbed completely, you can re-apply it if you like.

We’ll use an instant lift serum to massage the area around the eyes. Next, we’ll use a collagen pad under the eyes as well. The serum will unfold the wrinkles under the eyes and the collagen pad will lift and unfold the wrinkles. At this stage, we’ll also use collagen and lift mask. This mask will make the skin firmer. We’ll let it remain on the skin for twenty minutes before wiping it off with a wet pad. As our last step after removing the mask, we’ll use an anti-wrinkle and lifting cream and apply it across the face. We’ll use rotational hand movements to finish the work.

Generally, for any lifting procedure, there should be at least twenty minutes of hand massage to the facial area. Always remember that messaging the face without serum and cream will cause more wrinkles. You can use these small hand movements to lift the eyelids. Aside from a soothing feeling, this hand movement will prevent eyelids from slumping down. To reduce the wrinkles on the outer edge of the eyes, you should massage the area with your finger using movements similar to the number 8. You can do this at home with your anti-wrinkle cream and have your cosmetic professionals do the same.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial. Thank and goodbye.

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