How To: New Technique For Ombre Highlight

In this tutorial, we will look at a new technique for Ombre highlights. This video was provided by Mrs. Anousha Shafi’e.


Greetings. I’m Anousha Shafi’e. I’m here today to talk to you about a new technique.

I’ve separated the hair using two hair clips in the front and one in the back. The difference between these techniques with the previous ones is the volume of hair we use to apply the formula. As you can see, the hair in the back is separated in W shapes, whereas in older techniques we used to separate the hair in V shapes. In addition, the hair layer we have chosen here is thicker compared to other techniques. Now let’s start applying the product to the hair so I can show you the technique.

Apply some of the material to your palette, put the hair layer on the palette as well, and start applying the product to the hair from the point you prefer. I have to point out that since I’m using cellophane wraps for this technique, and since this is a European highlight,
We should not expect the hair to reach a high level of bleach close to 7, 8, or 10. However, the level of bleach also depends on the potency, hair type and how much the hair can resist the bleaching material. After applying the material to the lower part of the hair layer, hold the hair on the palette and apply some more of the material to the rest of the layer while holding the hand vertically.

Keep in mind that for an Ombre highlight you have to make your product mix with a higher density so you can have more control over where the material is applied. After applying the material, put the palette away and use your hand to rub the material on the hair so it starts to look like a mountain peak and do the same for the material on the sides of the layer. Now put the cellophane cover on the hair and then we can move on to the next layer. Separate a thick layer of hair in the W shape and apply the product to it the same way we did for the previous layer.

As you can see, we have separated the next layer, applied the product, and then covered the layer with cellophane. We will continue this process by choosing thick layers of hair in the form of W and applying the product until the top of the head. Now let’s take a look at the sides and front of the head. For the side of the head we used to separate the hair diagonally or vertically,
Then tease the hair and work on it using different Ombre methods. In this technique, since we separated the hair in the back in W shape, we should do the same here.

We’ve applied the material to the hair on the side as well to the point where the client prefers. Since we can’t apply the product to the layers again, you will most likely get a highlight rather than a bleached hair the way we have with foil wraps. After the hair has reached the level of highlight that we like, we can unwrap the cellophane, rinse the hair and then use the dye we prefer.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. We’ll love to meet you all in our classes. To sign up for the classes, or to receive consultancy, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description below.

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