Preventing & Curing Nail Fungus

In this tutorial, we will talk to you about possible nail diseases and nail fungus. This video was provided by Noghre Negar beauty salon.


Greetings. I’m here from Noghre Negar beauty salon to talk to you about possible nail diseases and nail fungus. You have to keep in mind that these are separate subjects and can be very dangerous.

A fungus is often caused by inadequate attention to hygiene during and after working with nails. You must make sure to sterilize all your tools for each user and for each person. Pay attention to hygienic items and use high-quality anti-fungus material. When the process is over, you must explain all the important hygienic standards and procedures to your client so they can take proper care of their nails.

If for any reason the layer of nail polish or powder has lifted from the surface of the nail, you must make sure to refer to your nail artist to resolve the issue and close the lifted area. If a point of the material is lifted, water and germs can enter the area and since there isn’t adequate sunlight and oxygen circulation under the lifted area, a suitable place for bacterial and infection is provided. The fungus often appears on the wider area of the nail in the middle and it’s rare for them to form close to the cuticle or tissue.

If you don’t recognize a fungus on the nail, or if you don’t urge the client to take care to resolve the problem, and continue applying products to the nail, be it gelish, powder, or any other form of material, the fungus will continue to grow and will cover the whole nail. Later if you remove the material and try to scrub the nail, it will smell disgusting and rotten. If the problem goes on without adequate attention and medical care, the fungus will continue to grow and reach the tissue and under the nail and will cause widespread infection and finally, you will lose the nail completely. This is why you should take nail fungus very seriously, take careful care of your nails, and refer to your nail artist if there are any issues.

If you have gelish or powder on your nail and you think there is a problem or appearance of fungus, make sure to remove the material. If you use any sort of nail tools such as paper scrubs, throw them away and do not use them for the nails of other clients or even for the other nails of that same client. Sterilize all your metal tools such as nipper and scrub tips thoroughly and then use them. Another important point regarding nail diseases is that there are sometimes clients with nails detached from the tissue under the nail because of the long nail growth of other factors. This does not mean they have to nail fungus, but a certain type of nail disorder, which should be treated so the nail reconnects with the tissue after a period.

If you notice, something like a detachment of the nail from tissue, by pushing below the nail and noticed that the nail moves away from the underlying tissue, you should advise the client to keep the area under the nail dry and clean and then use a Band-Aid to connect the nail to the tissue. If there’s a wound under the nail, then the nail and tissue will attach faster, otherwise, it might take some time but the nail will eventually attach back to the tissue underneath. This issue usually appears with the nail on the toes rather than hands because the shoes pressure them. This is often seen on the left side of the right foot and the right side of the left foot. The toes change color and often turn yellow or light brown. These are not a fungus. Fungus usually looks black or green, which are very dangerous. The color you see during nail detachment is usually because of the germ and pollution under the nails.

You can use a wooden pusher to clean under the nails and have a clean nail. I highly recommend wet pedicures for foot nails. It’s much better to avoid dry pedicures.

Go for a wet pedicure process once a month to get rid of all the dirt and germs on your feet and to make sure you have clean nails. If you can’t achieve this with one pedicure process, you can still do it with two or three sessions to get clean and white nails. I hope I have provided useful information during this tutorial. Until next time, goodbye.

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