New Haircut Model

In this educational video from Rojelab series, you will see a Hair clip haircut model.


Hi everyone! Viyona instructor is here to teach you a haircut model in this video.

Divide the front hair up to the ear and separate it in the middle
in the next step divide the hair as you see here and start to cut the guide layer with zero degree
the other layers also should be divided and cut the same way
separate the layers with an average amount of hair and with 45 degrees you can start cutting.

For the front hair, we should cut it slightly skewed from the end of the eyebrow to the back of the head
brush the chosen layer and cut it based on the guide hair of zero degree that is on the back of the head
I hope you have enjoyed this video.

For joining vocational courses of the new haircut, you can call our counselors in Viyona team.

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