What’s Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. This treatment highly contributes to the production of collagen and skin rejuvenation.
It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles and other skin-related concerns and conditions as well as optimizing the oiliness level of the skin. It also promotes the dermal medicines effectiveness.
In the video below, you can learn how this procedure is performed. To sign up for the instruction courses, you may contact us through the available numbers.


Hello everyone, I'm Shaghayegh Ghanbari, a skincare and micro-pigmentation expert. Today we've come up with a micro-dermis item. Microdermabrasion is a procedure used to renew the skin which provides desirable results while having minor side-effects. It's a non-invasive treatment which helps to produce new skin layers with high amount of collagen. This treatments comes with many benefits such as improving the spots caused by aging, reducing wrinkles and skin open pores. It also promotes the collagen mass on the skin which leads to skin rejuvenation. it provides an optimum oiliness level on the skin, reduces the skin's thickness and enhances the dermal medicines effectiveness. now let's get started with the treatment, first cleanse the skin. we'll use a cleanser suitable for the face. and switch on the device. there are 2 types of device for this treatment, the crystal and diamond-tip devices.

The crystal device is mostly used for medical applications while the diamond-tip device is more convenient and safer to use. you must put on gloves before the treatment and avoid touching the face with bare hand. This treatment may not be safe for those having certain skin problems. those who have cold sores or pustule pimples on the face. and psoriasis patients are not advised to have this treatment. also people who've had facial surgeries or strong exfoliations within 2 months before the treatment. or the ones who take accutane drug and those having immunity defects shouldn't have this treatment. the applicator suction power can be adjusted based on the skin's problems. and it is swept upwards on the face to avoid skin's falling. We should do it in partly overlapped movements to prevent it from leaving marks on the face. This moving technique is suitable to both dry and oily skins. it brings the oiliness to a moderate level and improves the glands performance in dry skins as well as making it softer.

It also minimizes the sensitivity of the skin, so we can say it is applicable to all types of skin. If the skin is thick enough, we can spend more time on areas with sun damage spots or any other defects. but for normal skins, we would sweep the device twice or three times on each area. well we're done with this treatment. you can have four to six treatment sessions every two weeks or once a month. it has no side-effects nor does it require you to have rest, it might just cause a minor redness and swelling which will go away very quickly. you can also use moisturizing creams and the clients are advised to protect the skin from sun light and use sunscreen as well. I hope you've found this tutorial informative. To enroll in our classes, please dial the numbers provided.

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