Chignon (Shinion) Braid Training

In this educational video an instructor and expert in Chignon and hair texture, teaches a Chignon texture model.


Hi everyone! This is Maryam Ebrahimpour expert and instructor of hair, haircut, and hairdressing.

Today, we are going to teach you how to weave hair
seperate a layer of the hair from a side
devide it into 4 parts
take the first line and weave simply from above.

And weave the other line from beneath.

We weave one line from above and the other line from beneath.

I free this layer and weave the next layer from beneath.

Set this layer free
take a layer from above and separate it
again we have 4 layers of hair
begin with weaving from beneath
a simple weave from beneath and again weave aside layer from above
set these layers free on the hair
again separate another layer from above.

Then weave from beneath
weave the layer on the right from above
after that, set that layer free
take the first layer that you set free and attach it to weave from beneath to the aside layer on the left
take another layer from above to have 4 layers
take the first layer to weave from above
the second one from beneath
just remember that this layer should be loose like this
take a layer from above so that you have 4 layers
take the aside layer and weave simply from beneath
like this
here we have 3 layers.

A simple weave is ok here
take this layer from beneath
add it to the other layer as you see.

We have 3 layers, again we add another layer from above to have 4 layers
you can keep it here and again weave
a simple weave
after that, keep the left side layers.

Then weave from beneath
after that, we keep this part.

For this part we begin with separating the hair into 3 layers.

Then, take a layer from above and set the right layer free.

We have 3 layers
begin with weaving
attach the layers that are left from beneath, like what I did for the upper part of the hair.

This educational video for weaving hair is ended here.

I hope you have enjoed this video.

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Remember the best choose the best.

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