Differences Between Eyelash Extension And Eyelash Implants?

In this educational video, Ms. Banoo Shafiee explains the features of eyelash extensions.


Eyelash extension and implant eyelashes are two different methods
Both of them are used to lengthen the eyelashes
the only difference is the type of eyelash glue that is used
in the extension of eyelashes one by one, the glue is more natural
but the brightness of the glue that is used for implanting eyelashes shows that it is artificial.

Volume or mega-volume extension
is used to make the eyelashes to appear more.

We use the type of eyelashes which are silky and it is the sames as your eyelashes
long lasting eyelash extension depends on
50 % your maintenance and 50 % your expert.

For maintenance of your extension whether temporary eyelashes or permanent
you should not wash your face with water for one day
before extension your face should be washed completely
after extension we should use mascara brush for cleaning the eyelashes
the eyes should not be oily
when you want to take a shower you should tilt you head down
in a way that water cannot reach eyelashes
after extension, you cannot massage your eyes
when you want to sleep, you should only tilt your face from side to side
you should not put pressure on eyelashes.

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