Micro-blading Technique In Action

In this brief video, you’ll see a micro-blading process in action. This video is provided by Mrs. Sama Amery.


Greeting. I’m Sama Amery. I’m an expert in micro-pigmentation and micro-blading. I’m here today with a tutorial on micro-blading.

The first step to a micro-blading process is design. During the design phase, it’s better to consult your client to know what she prefers and pay close attention to the standards. You should combine the existing standards and the client’s decision on the design to get the best results and satisfy your client.

I’m going to use a divider ruler to decide and figure out the basis of the design. Open the divider to the length of the eyebrow and mark the first, second, and third points. The first point is the crown, the second point is the arch and the third line is the tail of the eyebrow. As you can see, the design is over. Now let’s move on to the micro-blading procedure. Make sure to use a different blade for each client for hygienic purposes.

What you see here is the finished result. There was a scar left here which we covered using micro-blading.

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