
To implement a scalp micro-pigmentation, first,
We have to apply anesthetic material to the head and wait for thirty minutes for the anesthetic to take effect. Next, we have to design the hairline based on the properties of the scalp, style of the face, and shape of the scalp. Next, we sterilize the scalp and clean the area thoroughly to remove oil and any pollutions.

We use our blading device to create dots, which look like natural hair follicles on the surface of the scalp. Scalp pigmentation is useful for people with baldness, and chronic hair fall and can give the scalp the appearance of having natural hair. The durability of the process depends on the skin type, and implementing the proper care. If you implement the correct homecare method, the results can last up to four years.

For consult, more information, and to join our classes, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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