Introducing Grimas Makeup Products

In this tutorial, you will learn more about Grimas makeup products. To contact our sales department please contact .


First, use contouring lotion to clean the skin from any remaining makeup or pollutant. Then you can use D6 cream powder and LI camouflage, coupled with cream powder number 105 to contour the face. Use a white camouflage under the eyes, forehead and above the lips. Then use Grimas’ P8 brush to fade all the shades together.

To apply the makeup to the eyes, first, apply the foundation for the makeup and then use a latex pad to fix and distribute them. Now apply a fixing powder to the eyes to increase the durability of the makeup. Now use eyeshadow rogue number 523 to apply the base for the eyeshadow. For this makeup, we used eyeshadow rogue number 384 mixed with pearl eyeshadow rogue number 734.

To buy Grimas products or to join our classes to learn how to work better with Grimas products, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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