How To: Miniature Eyebrow Styling

In this short tutorial, you will learn more about styling eyebrows and eyebrow extensions. This video was provided by Noghre Negar Beauty Academy.


Greetings. I am here from Noghre Negar Beauty Academy and today we want to talk about styling and removing excess hair from eyebrows. In the previous video, we talked about twelve types of eyebrows. The type we want to do today is a miniature eyebrow.

Miniature eyebrows are suitable for people with long foreheads and are suitable for all types of faces. First, brush the eyebrows with the grain. Now cut the top of the eyebrow with a scissor. Do the same for the bottom. Just cut the excess hair outside the natural borders of the eyebrows. One of the principles for styling eyebrows is that the crown of the eyebrow should be parallel to the length of the nose. Therefore, if this is the line separating the middle of the nose,
Then this should be the area where the crown of the eyebrow should be. So let’s form the crown based on this imaginary line.

In all faces, you should use the same principle to form the crown of the eyebrow. For this miniature style, I should form the crown diagonally because of the difference between this style and others is mainly the crown. After this, I should remove the excess hair under the eyebrow and shape it into a neat line with no excess hair. I will finish this process and come back to you. I also shaved the extra hair around the eyebrow and you can now see the result of the finished work.

One of the new styles is European eyebrows. The style looks hachured and is popular. These types of eyebrows are suitable for people who have eyebrows with tails pointing upward. It would not work for eyebrows where the tail is pointing down. People who have scars on their eyebrows and the hair does not grow on the area anymore or the crown of the eyebrow is bald, can use a technique called eyebrowextension which we can use to style the eyebrows and make them look natural.

We styled the eyebrows and checked for symmetry. On one of the eyebrows as you can see is a little bald on the top of the crown. We can use eyebrowextension to fix this defect. I want to thank all of you for your comments on the previous tutorials. If you are interested in joining our classes on styling eyebrows, and eyebrowextension, or booking our services, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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