How To: Cutting Children's Hair

In this video, we will show you how to cut children’s hair. This video was provided by Banoo Shafi’e Beauty Salon.


Greetings. Today I am here with a children’s haircut tutorial.

First, separate the hair in the front and back. Separate the hair on the lower back of the head. Cut the hair at a high angle. Cut this part completely. Cut the length of the hair according to your preference. Move on to the next layer. Separate the layers in an inverted V shape so the sides of the layers are a little longer.

Pull the hair to the middle of the head a bit. Now the next layer. For kids we should use faster methods for the cut. Since her hair is very soft and I want to add some volume to it, let’s cut these layers diagonally. An important factor in cutting hair is that all the layers must be cut using the previous layer with an angle. On the side, separate the first layer a little thicker. You can round up this part close to the face or just cut straight towards the face. Separate the next layer is immediately close to the face.

Cut the top layers in a ninety-degree angle. Take one layer from the right side and bring it to the left because we want to use the available cuts as our guide. This concludes our tutorial for today. Until next time, goodbye.

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