How To: Simple Haircut

In this short video, we will show you a fast dry haircut. This video was provided by Viona Beauty Academy.


Greetings. I am Akbari from Viona Beauty Academy. Today I am here with a haircut tutorial.

Separate the bangs on both sides from the arch of the eyebrow. Determine the length of the cut with attention to the position of the cheeks, lips, and chin. Determine the length of the cut with attention to the position of the cheeks, lips, and chin
In each step, separate thin layers of hair and cut them in a ninety-degree angle.

Keep in mind that as you get closer to the crown of the head, the angle of the cut increases and finally reaches 135 degrees. The important fact about this haircut is cutting the hair on the sides of the ear, where the hair should go above the ear and pulled towards the front. Cut the hair using the previous cuts from the bangs in a ninety-degree angle. One of the main advantages of the haircut is that it styles the hair beautifully while more or less preserving the original length of the hair.

This concludes our tutorial. Remember, in Viona’s new classes, we cover the newest haircut styles, dry cuts, and shearing. Until next time, goodbye.

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