Facial Cleansing Explained

In this tutorial, a comprehensive overview of facial cleansing and skin type recognition is provided. This video is produced by Behsima Cosmetic Center. If you are interested in joining our classes, please contact us at or .


Greetings. I’m Rezai, administration in charge of Behsima Cosmetic Center. Today I’m here with a tutorial on facial cleaning from Rojelab.net.

There are different methods for facial cleansing. As a first step, we should decide on the type of the skin. Whether the skin is dry, oily or mixed. Whether it’s a sensitive skin or normal. These are different types of skin people might have. We use different products to perform facial cleansing. These products will differ from each other based on the type of the skin. By performing regular facial cleansing, you can prevent damage to the skin from sun rays, pollution or other environmental factors.

The client will lie down on the bed and we will use an apron and a hair cap to cover the hair. The face must be cleaned first. We use special cleansers to achieve this. Different cleansers are used for different skin types. Since my client here has oily skin, I’ve used special cleansers designed for oily skin. After using a cleanser, we use a toner also to complement our cleanser. Most of our hand movements are from bottom to the top and against the force of gravity. These movements, even though small, will have a lifting effect on the skin.

After cleaning the face using special cleansers, our next move would be using scrubs. The abrasion effect of scrubs will help rid the skin from dead cells. The next step is massaging the face. Even though a face massage is a part of the facial cleansing process, it can also be performed as a stand-alone procedure. Keep in mind that before a message you must clean your client’s face. You should also wash your own hands and your nails must be as short as possible. To massage the face, after preparing the basics, we have to moisturize our hands using massage oil. Message oils also have different types. The best ones are nutritious ones. They could be natural plant-based oils, such as sesame oil, rose oil, or wheat germ oil. Overall, any type of oil with nutritious values to make the message easier.

The facial message usually consists of eight steps. It could take the form of relaxation treatments, or help from the face. Most importantly, it will increase and improve blood circulation and prepare the face for the next steps. Our first step is soft basic movements. Most of these movements are bottom to the top. For this level, the palm of the hand will touch the face completely. Hand pressure shouldn’t be too high to cause pain, or too little. It should be enough to move the skin and the facial tissues. If the facial massage isn’t principled, it can cause more damage rather than benefit the client. If during the massage you realize the oil has been absorbed, you can add some oil to your hand again. Our next step would be point pressures. In this process, different points on the face are pressured using the fingers. It can be rotational movements on the chin and cheeks. The pressure is on imaginary and literal points on the face. Any of these pressure points can be stimulated four or five times. Next, we would slightly grab the skin using your fingertips on the different points of the face. The details regarding this step will be explained in our classes.

The fourth step is to tap the face slightly using the palms. The fifth step is to rub the face using your hands. I’m only performing these steps to show the process. In reality, these steps should be performed for a longer period and with more delicacy. A few movements for the eyes and finally our last steps. As I said, these steps are being performed briefly only to show the process. After the massage is done, put a warm wet towel on the client’s face. Previously, it was common to use steam machines to soften the skin, but because of some side effects steaming had and it also caused dryness, now it’s common to use warm towels. Let the towel stay on the face for two to three minutes to soften the skin. This will help us with scrubbing.

Use a sterile stick to add the scrub cream to the face. Since our client’s skin is oily, we are using a medium scrub. Massage the face for three minutes with your fingers using rotational movements. This is especially important for places with dark pimples or more germ.

For deeper cleansing, we can use Hydradermabrasion technics. This will help with cleaning and removing oil from the skin. This technic works by Iontophoresis which is introducing medical compounds to the skin by a local electric current. Since working with this machine is relatively complicated and can’t be used at all times, we are going to explain the process in detail during our classes. Just know that using this machine we can extract the extra oil from the skin. Use the probe for three to five minutes. If the probe is lifted from the face, you have to shut it down, put it back on the face and then tune the machine after turning it back on.

After this process, you can use a towel smeared with essential oil to help relax the client by putting it on the face. Let the towel stay on the client’s face for about five minutes. This can also have medical and nutritious effects at this point since all the skin pores are open. This is a sort of soothing compression technic. Our last step in facial cleansing is using facial masks.

The masks usually used in the facial cleansing procedure have lightening, cleaning, and oil removal effects. They are considered powerful masks. However, you can change the type of mask you use based on the nature of the skin. Use a sterile stick to put the required amount of product on the skin. Keep in mind that you should always use sterile and clean tools to extract the mask from the container. Whether you are using a scrub or a mask, you should always keep a distance from the eyes, nose, and mouth. There’s no need to massage the skin after adding the mask. Just let the product sit on the skin for about twenty minutes. This time is based on the skin type. For a lighter effect, you can wait a shorter time.

Our facial cleansing procedure is now over. What I’ve shown you here today is a non-aggressive form of facial cleansing. You can use this process as a preventive and meditative technic. After washing the mask off the client’s face, use moisturizers and sunscreen creams. The skin is very sensitive after this process and the pores are open, it will take damage more easily. The skin at this stage will require more serious care, especially sunscreen and avoiding direct sun.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. In Behsima Cosmetic Center, we teach many different skin care technics including anti-aging care, hygiene in working with lasers, and product specializations. Certification is awarded after graduating from these courses. I hope to see you all at our classes.

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