Organic Tattoo Removal Explained

If you require tattoo removal and you are torn between different methods of tattoo removal out there, this video is for you. In this video, Mrs. Dina Taghavi tries to explain the different methods of tattoo removal and their pros and cons. If you are interested in joining our classes, please contact us at .


Greetings to all of you, watching Today I want to talk about forms of tattoo removal.

Tattoo removal has a long history. The oldest and most basic ones are using acidic substances to get rid of tattoos. There are newer ways such as using lasers or tattoo removal creaMs. Each one of these ways has its benefits and drawbacks. Using acids could cause injuries, cause infections or leave scars. Since we use an organic substance with a much different lactic acid, these problems will not arise.

Other methods, such as using skin creams with beige colors stay on the skin for a long time. They come in different colors such as beige, cream, and white. They are injected under the skin and since they contain a high level of titanium, they are very hard to remove or disappear after injection. Even after years have passed, the colors will stay under your skin and you will not get your natural skin color back. Using today’s modern organic methods, it’s very much possible to get rid of these colors with relative ease.

Moving on to using lasers. It’s important that this procedure is done by a certified doctor or expert. It is most commonly used on eyebrows, eyelashes, and lips. If the person performing the procedure isn’t perfectly able and knowledgeable about the process, you could end up with injuries, burns or scars.

The organic method we use to remove tattoos is a completely natural method. It can even be used to remove old tattoos. The only difference is that if you want to use this method to remove tattoos from lips or eyebrows, it will only leave a very superficial scar. On the body, however, it might leave dark spots. These spots will fade with time.

The aftercare procedures for this method are very important. Including the client’s age, and using scar treatment gels after the process. This method will work after adding the product and massaging the area only once. After one massage, the product will enter the skin and after twenty seconds of Micro-pigmentation treatment, the pigment molecules will come to the surface of the skin. It will take four to seven weeks for the area to heal and for the effects of the product to disappear. This depends largely on aftercare treatments.

Sometimes after performing a primary removal, the client will need a secondary removal procedure also. This happens if the pigments were very deep inside the skin and did not reach the surface during the primary removal process, or if the client’s skin didn’t allow the treatment to go one any longer. The client should wait for four to seven weeks before deciding if a secondary tattoo removal is required. This could even take longer and sometimes up to ten weeks.

An important point to look out for is sterilizing the area. However, some people still use acid treatment to remove tattoos, which could have terrible consequences if it is on the eyes or lips. The organic method we use today requires us to go through three stages. hese three stages happen on a specific timeline, but the client might not be willing to go along with it. This is why we recommend our clients to accompany us stage by stage during the procedure.

Some people are tired of their old tattoo because they look bad or have changed colors. Using this organic removal method, we can easily preserve their natural eyebrows and only remove the unwanted areas.

I would recommend our viewers and students join our workshops to observe the outcome of this method on actual cases up front. We use this organic method in our center. What we do always satisfies the client, and will leave them with a natural looking skin.

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