How To: Applying Silver Eyeshadow

In this brief tutorial, we will show you the correct way to apply silver eyeshadows. This video was provided by Kimia Beauty salon. To join our classes, please contact us at the numbers provided in the video.


Greetings. I am Hajar Naseri and I am a makeup expert from Kimia Beauty Salon. Today I want to tell you all about applying silver eyeshadows.

We added our gray eyeshadow and faded it afterward. Now we can add our silver eyeshadow. After fading the gray eyeshadow, we added the silver eyeshadow on top. I added a thin black eyeliner and faded the tail. Now I can attach the false lashes and finish the makeup.

We attached the eyelashes a little outside the frame of the eyes and finished the job. I hope you like this video. If you are interested in joining our public and private classes, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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